Payment Schedule
10/14-25 $225 down payment per person
11/4 $100 per person
12/2 $100 per person
1/6 $100 per person
2/3 $100 per person
3/3 $100 per person
Remember, if using funds from your Student's Account, use the Student Account Withdrawal Form and submit a week PRIOR to the payment due date, for proper processing. Email the Booster Treasurer at if you have any questions on the students accounts.
The CDHS Music Department is traveling to Virginia for their Spring Trip from April 24-27. The full itinerary is in the Trip Flyer above.
Cost for the trip is ranges from $725-$850 per student depending on room occupancy. Parents and Guardians are also eligible as chaperones at the same cost.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Tate at
We look forward to an excellent trip together!